
a! Rhymes

Find words with the same or similar sound

a! Rhymes provides clever rhyme words – without any headaches! Fast results instead of hours of searching. And underlying it all: the established NameRobot technology for phonetic rhymes.

An app for any purpose: Whether you are a poet looking for the finishing touches for your poem; a copywriter trying to create a snappy slogan or if you use it just for fun: a! Rhymes by apps for WORDS is always at your fingertips.


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Clever rhymes without headaches!

Intuitive usability, clever settings and storage for your favorite words.


Home screen

The heart of a! Rhymes by apps for WORDS: Enter your keyword into the search field on the Home screen, press “Rhyme” and get ready for lots of immediate results!

What you do with it is up to you – search for alternate rhymes, add more interesting words to your favorites, or try a new word.




Not all rhymes are created equal – that's what we learned when developing the underlying rhyme technology. Our rhymes are based on pronunciation, not orthography.

To allow for maximum flexibility, you can choose which rhyme types you want to find: Tolerant, normal or strict? You decide!


The Overview screen tells you everything there is to know about using a! Rhymes by apps for WORDS.

An intuitive user experience is very important to us, so most pictograms and icons should be self-explanatory. If not, take a look at the Overview screen to learn more.



Add Favorites

Lest you forget your newly found rhymes, a! Rhymes enables you to save your results as Favorites. This allows you to always access your research data.

You can share them with friends and, of course, also delete a word from your Favorites if you don't like it anymore. A collection of your favorite rhymes.

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